SLICEplus point-of-sale in the most visible and important contact you have with your customers. Online processing gets your customers through the checkout quickly and accurately.
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- Point-of-sale entry
- Cash drawer reporting
- Sales Receipts
- Bar code scanning at registers
- Multi-level pricing by quantity breakpoints
- Customer credit limits
- Acceptance and processing of multiple forms of payment
- Online training mode
- Automatic handling of sales pricing
- Plant tag printing
- Suggestive selling
- Printing of care instructions
- On-screen customer advisories
Purchasing and Inventory Control
SLICEplus software's accurate inventory tracking allows you to make the correct purchasing decisions.
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- Real-time inventory tracking
- Inventory movement log
- Vendor profit analysis
- Maintain minimum and maximum stocking levels
- Purchase order entry, printing and reconciliation
- Receipt of materials
- History of purchases
- Multiple inventory search methods
Sales Analysis
SLICEplus software helps you determine what items are selling and which items are profitable.
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- Detailed cash drawer reports
- Customer sales and profit analysis by month, year-to-date and previous years
- Item sales and profit analysis by month, year-to-date and previous years
- Sales analysis by date and time
- Sales analysis by salesperson and/or cashier
- Detailed sales analysis by customer by item
Customer Sales and Service
With SLICEplus, know what your customers are buying and be able to provide them with top-level service.
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- Care instructions for items
- Multi-level pricing by customer type
- Print delivery tickets and full-size invoices
- Frequent buyer programs
- Save sales at register